About picture.jpg

If you’re going to print something, print it onto silk. That was my first thought.

Created from an ethos of slow, mindful design, not confined by commercial trends but led by the soul. Silk is for timeless treasures not throwaway fads and I wanted to create less but better; limited edition pieces that are not so much about how we look, much more about how we feel. Creating belongings that inspire you to treasure them forever.

I’ve taken moments from faraway beaches, the way that landscapes have the ability to utterly mesmerise us, and turned them into a collection of subtle silk luxuries. These are artworks that capture the way it felt to be somewhere, translated into something wearable to style or use however the mood takes you.

Tie up hair while you lazy over a weekend brunch. Throw in a tote for the perfect travelling companion when wanderlust calls, or frame and hang on your wall for that perfect injection of Summer memories.

Exquisitely made and never repeated, these luxury silk scarves are as at home in a frame on your wall as dancing away a hot summers night on cobbled European backstreets.

For anyone in pursuit of less, and yet so much more, these are for you.

Caroline XX